Drainage collector

Draindane makes life easier for construction managers, craftsmen, administrators and residents in new construction!

Our patent-pending drainage water collector collects the drainage water that occurs in the concrete elements during the construction phase. Subsequently, the water finds its way down and out through the concrete ceilings. Therefore, a hole is drilled in the concrete channel, the channel is drained of water and immediately afterwards a Draindane is installed in the ceiling. Draindane collects the remaining water that often drips off over months. Draindane is cast in a white color code (RAL 9010) that blends in perfectly with the ceilings of all new buildings.

To protect the environment, Draindane is produced to be used again and again. It is also made from recycled plastic, so that with production we do not contribute negatively to the over-consumption of plastic. Draindane is an aesthetically pleasing and incredibly practical drain water collector that is easily mounted in the ceiling and just looks like a white lamp (ceiling). With Draindane, all parties in a new building escape the inconvenience and heavy, administrative processes associated with draining water completely out of the ceilings.

There is an electronic water meter in Draindane. This indicates if the collector must be emptied. This happens via an alarm that beeps at the same time as a red diode that flashes. The Draindane can be easily emptied of water while it is in the ceiling, if necessary. When the drain hole is dry and Draindane can be taken down, there is a ready message - this happens via an alarm that beeps, together with a green diode that flashes.

In short, Draindane facilitates the workflows of construction managers and tradesmen and provides happy and satisfied residents.


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